DUI lawyer in Colorado Springs, Colorado

Portable Breath Test in Colorado

Portable Breath Test in ColoradoPortable breath tests (PBTs) in Colorado play a pivotal role in the enforcement of DUI laws. They provide law enforcement with a real-time, on-the-spot tool to assess the blood alcohol content (BAC) of a driver, thereby helping to ensure public safety. This article unravels the nuances surrounding PBTs in Colorado, from the testing process to their legal implications and reliability concerns.

The Process of Portable Breath Testing

Portable Breath Testing (PBT) is a swift procedure carried out by law enforcement officers when they suspect a driver may be intoxicated. The device is a handheld gadget that measures the amount of alcohol in one’s breath. In Colorado, as with most states, the officer will first observe the suspect for a certain period before administering the test. This process is crucial as it eliminates any potential interference, like the presence of mouth alcohol that could affect the test’s accuracy.

Legality of Portable Breath Tests

In Colorado, PBTs are legal and are widely used by law enforcement to identify intoxicated drivers. The state’s implied consent law means that drivers essentially agree to such tests as a condition of their driving privileges. However, refusal to submit to a PBT may result in penalties, including the immediate suspension of the driver’s license.

Reliability of Portable Breath Tests

While PBTs are an effective tool for identifying possible DUI offenses, their reliability can sometimes be questioned. Various factors can affect the accuracy of the readings, such as calibration errors, the device’s sensitivity to other substances, or the suspect’s medical conditions. Consequently, PBT results are typically used as preliminary evidence and are not admissible in court for DUI trials in Colorado.

Understanding the Limitations

While PBTs serve as a preliminary screening tool, they are not foolproof. Factors such as mouth alcohol, residual food, tobacco smoke, and certain medications can lead to inaccurate readings. Moreover, environmental conditions like high altitude or temperature can also affect the device’s accuracy. Therefore, understanding these limitations is essential when interpreting PBT results.

Implications of Failing a PBT

Failing a PBT in Colorado can have significant implications. While the PBT result itself may not be admissible in court, it can provide probable cause for arrest and further testing. Additionally, failing a PBT may lead to the immediate suspension of driving privileges under the state’s implied consent law.

Portable Breath Test and DUI Charges

A failed PBT can be the first step towards a DUI charge in Colorado. Following a positive PBT result, officers can make an arrest and administer additional tests at the police station. These subsequent tests, which are more reliable and accurate, form the basis for any DUI charges and can be used as evidence in court.

Rights of Drivers Undergoing a PBT

While drivers implicitly consent to PBTs under Colorado law, they still have certain rights. For instance, they have the right to refuse the test, although this comes with penalties. They also have the right to contact a lawyer if arrested and the right to a fair trial if charged with a DUI.

Defense Strategies for PBT Results

Despite the initial scare of a positive PBT result, there are several defense strategies. Given the limitations and potential inaccuracies of PBTs, defense attorneys often focus on questioning the test’s validity, the officer’s observations, or the testing process.

The Future of Portable Breath Testing

Advancements in technology promise a future where PBTs are more reliable and less prone to inaccuracies. Many researchers and companies are working on improvements and alternatives to current devices, including more precise sensors, breathalyzers that can detect other substances, and even wearable technology.

Expert Opinions on PBTs

Expert opinions on PBTs in Colorado vary. While many applaud their role in improving road safety, others argue their limitations and potential for error. Legal experts stress the importance of understanding one’s rights and the implications of PBT results.


  1. Is the PBT result admissible in court in Colorado? No, the PBT result is not admissible as evidence in court for DUI trials in Colorado.
  2. Can I refuse a PBT in Colorado? Yes, you can refuse a PBT, but it may lead to the immediate suspension of your driving privileges.
  3. What happens if I fail a PBT? Failing a PBT can lead to your arrest and further testing. It could also be a step towards a DUI charge.
  4. Are PBTs accurate? While PBTs are generally accurate, several factors can affect the reading, leading to potential inaccuracies.
  5. What rights do I have during a PBT? You have the right to refuse the test, the right to contact a lawyer if arrested, and the right to a fair trial if charged with a DUI.
  6. What is the legal limit for BAC in Colorado? The legal limit for BAC in Colorado is 0.08% for drivers over 21. For commercial drivers, it’s 0.04%, and for drivers under 21, it’s 0.02%.
  7. What are some defenses against PBT results? Defense strategies can include questioning the validity of the test, the officer’s observations, or the testing process.
  8. Are PBTs improving? Technology advancements are promising more reliable and less error-prone PBTs in the future.
  9. What are the penalties for refusing a PBT? Refusing a PBT can lead to the immediate suspension of driving privileges and possible further penalties.
  10. How does Colorado’s implied consent law affect PBTs? Colorado’s implied consent law means that drivers essentially agree to PBTs as a condition of their driving privileges.


Portable Breath Tests in Colorado, while effective in promoting road safety, come with significant implications. As drivers, understanding these implications and our rights is vital. PBTs are continually evolving, with the hope for a future with more reliable, accurate, and fair testing methods. Until then, awareness and knowledge remain our best defense.

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